Aarhus University Seal

Western Jutland cardiac research clinic named university clinic

Aarhus University and the Central Denmark Region have named the Cardiac Research Clinic at the Department of Cardiology, Regional Hospital West Jutland, as a university clinic. For the patients this means stronger, research-based treatment of heart diseases.

Klinisk lektor og overlæge Morten Böttcher er forsknigsleder på den nye universitetsklinik. Foto: Søren Braad Andersen

From 1 October, the Cardiac Research Clinic at the Regional Hospital West Jutland will officially become a university clinic, giving it a significant scientific seal of approval with the aim of recognising, developing and strengthening the clinic's research.

Research into diseases that affect many people

The Cardiac Research Clinic conducts research into ischemic heart disease, which is a serious and widespread disease that affects many Danes.

"First and foremost, I’d like to congratulate the Cardiac Research Clinic on achieving the status of university clinic. It's a great recognition that strengthens research in the western area of the region," says Chairman of the Regional Council Anders Kühnau (The Social Democratic Party).

New hospital in Gødstrup is a plus

The naming as a university clinic is for a five-year period. This means that the status will follow the clinic when it moves to Gødstrup Regional Hospital after the turn of the year. Department Head Jørgen Frøkiær from the Department of Clinical Medicine is certain that both the modern research facilities and the new status will significantly strengthen both research and patient treatment.

"I'm certain that the already fine research into ischemic heart disease will receive a boost and lead to new exciting collaborations that will in turn attract more external funding and, ultimately, even more talented clinical researchers," says Jørgen Frøkiær.

"And just as importantly, being a university clinic sends a signal that in this part of the region you’ll also receive the very best research-based treatment as a patient," he says.

Increased financial support and more research activity

Today, the Cardiac Research Clinic is spread across three locations and its activities are also spread across several wards, emergency departments, outpatient clinics and laboratories.

With better finances and more research, the clinic’s activities will be consolidated and strengthened. For patients, this means that new treatments can be taken into use quicker, and that many of them will be offered closer monitoring pathways.

"Strong interdisciplinarity also has a major impact on the increasing number of patients with comorbidity," says Morten Böttcher.

The status is valid for five years

The new status as university clinic comes into force on 1 October 2021, and the Cardiac Research Clinic will subsequently have the status as a university clinic for diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of ischemic heart disease.

The new status means that the Regional Hospital West Jutland now has five university clinics, which brings the hospital one step closer to its vision of being a leading research- and learning hospital that conducts research at a high international level for the benefit of the patients.     



Aarhus University, Health and the Central Denmark Region are working together to carry out health research at a high international level. One of the clearest examples of the research collaboration between Aarhus University, Health and the Central Denmark Region is the naming of university clinics. As of 1 October 2021, the Regional Hospital West Jutland has five university clinics:

  • Occupational medicine
  • Diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of ischemic heart disease
  • Flavour, balance and sleep
  • Hand, hip and knee surgery
  • Renal disease and elevated blood pressure.



Clinical Associate Professor, Research Director and Consultant Morten Böttcher
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
University Clinic for Diagnostics, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Ischemic Heart Disease, Department of Cardiology, Regional Hospital West Jutland
Tel.: (+45) 2577 5134
Email: morboett@rm.dk