Aarhus University Seal

Use energy thoughtfully: Hang in there, hold on, and hang up!

Last year, a significant saving in heating and electricity consumption was achieved across the entire university. Now, you can help remind your colleagues of good energy habits with a range of new posters for local display.

Energy savings at Health

At www.au.dk/kilowhat, you can get an overview of energy savings at AU, see examples of the effect of various initiatives, and find good advice on what you can do in everyday life.

Everyone can make a difference by using energy thoughtfully:

  • Turn off lights, screens, and computers where you can
  • Think before you print
  • Use kitchen appliances thoughtfully
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Follow the green guide in laboratories
  • Let the thermostat be – as a starting point, the building service has set the temperature for you.

At Health, a variety of energy-saving measures are currently being implemented, affecting the daily lives of the faculty's staff. This includes night-time closure of selected buildings, turning off equipment in laboratories, and reduced operation of certain ventilation systems.

"As part of Aarhus University, we at the faculty have a responsibility to contribute to pushing the development in the right direction in terms of achieving the university's goals in this area, and consideration for the climate has never been more important. At the same time, energy savings continue to be of great importance for AU’s overall economy," says Technical Manager Conor Leerhøy.

Even the smallest saving counts in the overall climate account, and now you can remind your colleagues of good habits by, among other things, downloading print-yourself posters for display and graphics for info screens via the university's website.


Technical Manager Conor Leerhøy
Aarhus University, Health Administrative Center – Health Estates Facilities
Phone: 28 99 22 41
Email: conor@au.dk