Aarhus University Seal

Update on ResCenPI

Read more about ResCenPI's move, the Centre's funding, the conference in April, Journal Club in the Spring and Pernille's new position.

ResCenPI moves rooms to G208 at the hospital. We are very happy with our accessible offices and meeting rooms. If any members need a hot desk from time to time, we have two extra work places to offer. Contact Lotte Ørneborg Rodkjær if you want to drop by at lottrodk@rm.dk

ResCenPI is funded until October 1st 2023. At our next meeting with the ResCenPI steering group on January 10th 2023, we will identify how to take forward ResCenPI post funding. We will keep you updated on future plans. 

Our person-centred care research conference is taking place in April 2023, and we will keep you posted about how to get involved. 

Also, the programme for the Journal Club in the Spring is finalised.

Pernille Pennington has secured a permanent position with the AUH Hospital management team starting in January 2023. We are delighted for Pernille to have secured this post, and thank her for being such great part of our management team. 

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you all in 2023.

Best wishes

Hilary and Lotte