Aarhus University Seal

Two new trainees at TNU

We are happy to welcome Zuzanna Szych and Samuel Astuni to TNU. They will be doing an internship under the supervision of Michael Winterdahl.

Samuel Astuni and Zuzanna Szych

Samuel Astuni

Samuel is from Milan, Italy, and has a bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering. During his studies, he has worked on real-time psychology measurements.

While at TNU, Samuel will focus on understanding the stress response in women.


Zuzanna Anna Szych

Originally from Krakow, Poland, Zuzanna holds a Master's degree in Neuroscience. For her master's thesis, she investigated the effects of psilocybin and ketamine on brain neurotransmission in rats.

While at TNU, Zuzanna will work on projects involving real-time physiological measurements in women experiencing mild stress.