Aarhus University Seal

The 2014 Lassen Award goes to Jens Sandahl Christiansen

Professor and Consultant Jens Sandahl Christiansen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has just received the Niels A. Lassen Award 2014. He receives the award for his research into diabetes and growth hormones.

Gennem de sidste 30 år har Jens Sandahl Christiansen blandt andet undersøgt de kliniske konsekvenser af væksthormon-mangel og effekten af vækstfremmende hormoner.
Gennem de sidste 30 år har Jens Sandahl Christiansen blandt andet undersøgt de kliniske konsekvenser af væksthormon-mangel og effekten af vækstfremmende hormoner.

This year is the sixteenth time that the Niels A. Lassen Award has been presented and in 2014 it goes to a researcher for AU and AUH. Jens Sandahl Christiansen’s research has focused on two main areas: diabetes and growth hormones.

For the past 30 years he has examined the clinical consequences of growth hormone deficiency and the effect of growth hormones. Jens Sandahl Christiansen and his colleagues were thus the first to introduce daily injections in the treatment of growth hormone deficiency, and also the first to complete a placebo-controlled study of the effect of growth hormones in adults.

Jens Sandahl Christiansen is professor at Aarhus University and consultant at the Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine at Aarhus University Hospital.
He is also a Fellow at the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland and honorary member of the Polish Endocrine Society.

The award, which is made by the Niels A. Lassen foundation, was established in 1999 in memory of Professor, MD, DMSc Niels A. Lassen (1926-1997), who was one of the twentieth century's most important brain and metabolism researchers in Denmark.

The award ceremony took place on Monday 8 December 2014, during which Jens Sandahl Christiansen also held a lecture with the title 'Growth hormone - a fascinating hormone with the wrong name'.

Further information

Clinical Professor Jens Sandahl Christiansen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine
Tel.: +45 7846 2013