Aarhus University Seal

Temporary parking spaces in the eastern part of the University Park

A range of construction projects at AU will lead to existing parking spaces being temporarily closed. The parking spaces will be replaced while the construction work is under way.

Aarhus Universitet, parkeringspladser, bygningskort.
De nye midlertidige parkeringspladser på AU er klar senest den 1. august 2014.

UNILAB is currently renovating and refurbishing the laboratory facilities for Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, Biology and Biophysics (building 1180). While the renovation of the buildings is taking place, the parking spaces adjacent to the buildings need to be closed. 

Construction work on the new building for Biomedicine in the southern end of the University Park will start around 1 July, 2014. This will lead to the temporary parking spaces on the building site (previously building 1090) being closed. At the same time, the 42 parking spaces on Vennelyst Boulevard will be closed while the construction work takes place.

New temporary parking spaces

While the construction work is under way, 100 parking spaces will be established on the grass area to the south of Bioscience (building 1540), and 44 spaces will also be available between Medical Biochemistry (building 1170) and Molecular Biology (building 1137) on Ole worms Allé.