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Søren K. Kjærgaard resigns as department head

After eleven-and-a-half-years in the position, department head Søren K. Kjærgaard from the Department of Public Health at Aarhus University has taken the decision to return to research and teaching. This will officially take place on 1 June 2016.

Søren K. Kjærgaard. Foto: Lars Kruse, AU

The Department of Public Health at Aarhus University will be getting a new department head in the summer. A little earlier than expected, as Department Head Søren K. Kjærgaard's period of employment actually runs until 2017. But he has decided to resign and devote himself to research and teaching already from 1 June 2016.

"This is primarily due to the fact that I miss research and I really want to contribute to the development of the degree programme in public health science, which I am one of the ‘fathers’ of. However, another important factor is the very significant challenges facing the department, which in my eyes require new and fresh energy. So I am therefore leaving before the end of my term, so that a new head can help to prepare for the future as quickly as possible," says Søren K. Kjærgaard.

A department with great potential

The position as department head of the Department of Public Health has now been advertised with an application deadline of 6 March. The aim is to have a new department head in place by 1 June 2016 or thereafter. 

"I will naturally continue to be committed to my work and to ensuring the best possible working conditions at the department - also after I leave the position. Because we have huge potential with four strong degree programmes, a large graduate school programme and many talented researchers with a high international level, almost all of whom can contribute to society's demand for knowledge," says Søren K. Kjærgaard, and adds:

"It is with regret that I leave the position after 11½ years, but I am certain that this is the right decision for both myself and the department."

Once Søren K. Kjærgaard leaves the position of department head, he will return to a position as associate professor at the department, where his focus will be on research into health prevention and the degree programme in public health science.