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Rasmus Ellerup Kraghede receives an introductory stipendium from the Health Research Foundation of Central Region Denmark

Rasmus Ellerup Kraghede, MD receives an introductory stipendium of 100,000 DKK from the Health Research Foundation of Central Region Denmark for preparation of his PhD.

The Health Research Foundation of Central Region Denmark has granted Rasmus Ellerup Kraghede, MD an introductory stipendium of 100,000 DKK. The stipendium will be used to finance his research for a period of three months, starting on 1 January 2022. The stipendium will allow him to work exclusively on finalizing the preparations for his PhD project on intratracheal tracheostomy sealing.

"In this project we seek to investigate a new concept of sealing the airways after tracheostomy. Conventional treatment of today uses bandages applied over the wound. This tends to loosen and leak. The new concept relies on airtight intratracheal sealing which can be removed once the trachestomy has healed."

During the three months, Rasmus will apply for additional finances as well as prepare and send an application to the Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University. A very special thanks to the Health Research Foundation of Central Region Denmark for granting Rasmus the introductory stipendium.


Rasmus Ellerup Kraghede, MD
Affiliated Researcher

Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
Aarhus University Hospital
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99
8200 Aarhus N

Mail: rakrag@clin.au.dk