Aarhus University Seal

Professor Gorm Boje Jensen receives DCAcademy Lifetime Achievement Award 2022

One of the most cited Danish cardiologists, Professor Gorm Boje Jensen, has received the Danish Cardiovascular Academy’s Lifetime Achievement Award for his lifelong dedication to cardiovascular research.

Professor Gorm Boje Jensen’s tribute at the DCAcademy Summer Meeting. He is still active in the steering committee around the Copenhagen City Heart Study which is soon moving into the 6th round of cardiovascular studies. Photo: Søren Kjeldgaard

During the annual DCAcademy Summer Meeting, Professor Gorm Boje Jensen received the Danish Cardiovascular Academy’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

“For more than 50 years, Gorm Boje Jensen has contributed to Danish cardiovascular research, and he is one of the most cited Danish cardiologists,” says chairman of the board at Danish Cardiovascular Academy and vice dean at the Faculty of Health at Aarhus University, Hans Erik Bøtker.

Gorm Boje Jensen was the co-architect of the “Copenhagen City Heart Study”

Hans Erik Bøtker further substantiates the choice of Gorm Boje Jensen by the fact that in 1975, Gorm Boje Jensen was the co-architect together with his colleague Peter Schnohr of the “Copenhagen City Heart Study”, whose equal does not exist in other places in the world, according to Bøtker. The purpose of this population study was to follow the development of cardiovascular disease by examining risk factors such as blood pressure, obesity, smoking, and exercise. As more than 25 000 people have participated in the “Copenhagen City Heart Study”, Gorm Boje Jensen’s research has contributed to greater awareness on the prevention of cardiovascular disease. As a result, blood pressure measurements of Danes in the clinics of general practitioners have increased over the years.

“I’m on the edge of my seat”

“I’m very proud of this award – particularly as the award is appointed by my colleagues within the cardiovascular field. I’m on the edge of my seat,” says a thrilled award recipient.

Gorm Boje Jensen explains that an advanced course in epidemiology in London in 1971 gave him the cornerstones to establish the population study. His own doctoral dissertation was based on results of the first round of the population study where he defined the need for coronary bypass surgery. Later as chief physician at Hvidovre Hospital, he participated in several important studies on thrombolysis which proved to be a great breakthrough in the treatment of coronary thrombosis.

“Gorm has contributed to the advancement of public health in Denmark without taking any credit. His work has enabled many researchers to harvest the fruits of his labour and base their studies on thorough investigations and valid data. Gorm Boje Jensen is a genuine scientist, who deserves the Danish Cardiovascular Academy’s Lifetime Achievement Award,” says Hans Erik Bøtker.