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Prize to biostatistician

Erik Parner from Aarhus University has received the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2013.

Professor Erik Parner forsker i at udvikle og anvende statistiske metoder til at analysere sundhedsdata. Han har netop fået The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize for 2013.
Professor Erik Parner forsker i at udvikle og anvende statistiske metoder til at analysere sundhedsdata. Han har netop fået The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize for 2013.

Professor Erik Parner conducts research into the development and use of statistical methods for the analysis of health data. He uses the methods to specifically examine the causes of autism and the reasons why more and more children and adolescents are diagnosed with autism.

Together with a research colleague from the University of Copenhagen, he has received the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize for 2013. The prize recognises their article “Regression analysis of censored data using pseudo-observations” which was published in the Stata Journal.

Erik Parner is pleased to receive this award and to be recognised by his colleagues. He is confident that the prize can come to increase awareness of developments within statistical methods in the future. He says:

“The development of methods has implications for other researchers who also analyse health data. What I hope is that there will be more focus on the development of statistical methods, as this may potentially improve health science research.”

Further information

Professor Erik Parner
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Direct tel: +45 8716 7995