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PhD student from Aarhus University receives substantial funding

Medical doctor Marlene Beyer Eg from the Department of Forensic Medicine, Aarhus University, is receiving DKK 1,750,000 from the Council of the Danish Victims Fund towards a PhD project on the “Abuse of Children in the North & Central Denmark Regions".

Marlene Beyer Eg har modtaget en bevilling på 1.750.000 kr. fra Rådet for Offerfonden til hendes ph.d.-projekt om ”Overgreb mod Børn i Region Nord & Midt”.

The grant of DKK 1,750,000 from the Council of the Danish Victims Fund makes it possible for PhD student Marlene Beyer Eg to carry out a PhD project on the abuse of children in the North & Central Denmark regions. Here she will investigate the case history and how it was handled by the police and judicial system, focusing on the importance of the forensic examination of the child for the legal outcome of the case, as well as the well-being of the children immediately following the case and in the longer term.

"The grant gives me the opportunity to examine a very important area that has great significance for me and the Department of Forensic Medicine. Several studies on the abuse of children have been carried out, but no one has previously looked at the actual case history together with its significance for the child's well being both during and after the process. We hope that the PhD project can identify factors that can contribute to helping the child through the long examination process in the best possible way," says PhD student Marlene Beyer Eg.

Further information:

PhD student Marlene Beyer Eg
Aarhus University, Department of Forensic Medicine, Section of Forensic Pathology
Direct tel.: +45 2228 0416
Email: mbmd@forens.au.dk