Aarhus University Seal

One million Danish kroner towards brain cancer research

Kim Mouridsen from Aarhus University has received DKK one million from the Lundbeck Foundation. The money will go towards improving the treatment of patients with brain cancer.

Lektor Kim Mouridsen, Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Center for Funktionelt Integrativ Neurovidenskab og MINDLab.
Lektor Kim Mouridsen fra Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Klinisk Medicin – Center for Funktionelt Integrativ Neurovidenskab og MINDLab.

Image-based technologies and mathematical algorithms are the focus of Kim Mouridsen’s research. Research that can contribute to predicting the effect of the treatment of brain tumours and blood clots (thrombosis) in the brain.

The Lundbeck Foundation has decided to support Kim Mouridsen financially with DKK one million which will go towards further research into brain diseases. For Kim Mouridsen and his team of researchers, focus is on fatal brain cancer in particular.

“Each year, 260 Danes are afflicted by he most aggressive type of brain cancer. Some patients only survive a few months, while others can live up to 18 months. Very few patients with brain cancer are still alive five years after the diagnosis. Our goal is to develop methods that show which patients will benefit from a treatment of brain cancer that limits the growth of new tumour blood vessels,“ explains Kim Mouridsen.

International collaboration with Harvard and Massachusetts

More specifically, these methods are so-called image markers, which in future should help doctors and researchers to predict the effect of the treatment, as well as providing them with an important insight into how the treatment works.

“The treatment of brain cancer with substances that reduce the tumour’s blood volume only have a temporary effect, and not all patients respond to them. That is why it is very important for us to find out how this treatment works, and to be able to predict which patients will respond to the treatment,“ explains Kim Mouridsen.

The project builds on new research carried out by Kim Mouridsen and the research group in collaboration with Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. The grant from the Lundbeck Foundation will help to continue the strategically important collaboration with leading international research institutions.

Kim Mouridsen was born on 20 June, 1978 in Randers.

Further information

Associate Professor Kim Mouridsen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine, Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN) and MINDLab
Direct tel. +45 7846 4404