Aarhus University Seal

New type of MR scan leads to hope for early diagnosis of kidney disease

Professor Christoffer Laustsen is a new Doctor of Medical Science at Aarhus University. He conducts research into a new MR scanning method that is 10,000 times more sensitive than current methods. For diabetic patients, the new scanning method could mean earlier discovery of any kidney disease, which is a known complication from diabetes.

Professor and Research Director Christoffer Laustsen from the Department of Clinical Medicine and the MR Research Centre at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has just defended his higher doctoral dissertation. Photo: Private

Diabetic patients have an increased risk of developing kidney disease, but the disease is often discovered only when patients have already developed chronic kidney disease. Christoffer Laustsen, who is a new Doctor of Medical Science at the Department of Clinical Medicine, hopes that by using a new, advanced MR scanning method, he can detect and shed light on the earliest changes in the kidneys of diabetic patients. If he succeeds in this development project, it will mean an earlier and more accurate diagnosis of kidney disease. In the long term this will lead to better treatment options for the individual patient.

In his higher doctoral dissertation, Christoffer Laustsen describes how he has developed and tested a new type of MR scanning method, which is 10,000 times more sensitive than current MR scanning methods.


Professor, DMSc & PhD Christoffer Laustsen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine, the MR Research Centre and
Aarhus University Hospital
Mobile: (+45) 2343 9141
Email: cl@clin.au.dk