Aarhus University Seal

New professorship strengthens research into rare liver diseases

Head consultant and new professor at Aarhus University Peter Ott has dedicated his working life to improving the diagnosis and treatment of patients with liver diseases, with special focus on rare liver diseases.

Peter Ott takes up the professorship at the Department of Clinical Medicine on 1 September 2021. Photo: Private.
Peter Ott takes up the professorship at the Department of Clinical Medicine on 1 September 2021. Photo: Private.

In his work as a hepatologist, Peter Ott’s focus is on patients with diseases of the liver and bile duct. The appointment of Peter Ott as professor strengthens research into liver diseases.

The newly-appointed professor is particularly focused on a rare and hereditary liver disease called Wilson’s disease. Peter Ott has contributed to areas including the development of a new diagnostic method using PET scanning, while also shedding more light on the epidemiology of the disease. He has also been a leading figure in a recently published international collaboration on the design of clinical studies of the disease. Furthermore, he is involved in the development of a Wilson Severity Score to assess the severity of the disease.

Another area of focus for Peter Ott is hereditary diseases of the bile duct – an area which the department has strengthened both clinically and scientifically over the past decade. 

Peter Ott hopes that his research will contribute to the earlier diagnosis of patients with Wilson's disease and other rare liver diseases, and that diagnoses will be more correct and lead to improved treatment.

The professorship is supported by The Aarhus Wilson Consortium.


Professor, Head Consultant & DMSc Peter Ott
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology
Mobile: (+45) 40 19 38 26
Email: peterott@rm.dk