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New professor’s research will benefit cardiac arrest patients

Asger Granfeldt of the Department of Clinical Medicine is the new professor of intensive care medicine. From 1 March 2023, he will be able to dedicate more time to research into enhanced treatment for patients who experience cardiac arrest at the hospital and elsewhere.

Portrait of Professor Asger Granfeldt
Asger Granfeldt’s research into acute and critical illness takes place via register-based studies, animal experiments and clinical trials. Photo: Jens Hjalte Madsen Løgstrup

The focal point of Asger Granfeldt’s research is acute and critical illness, and cardiac arrest in particular. Every day, as specialty registrar, he consults intensive care patients who need organ-supporting treatment such as respirator or dialysis. As the new professor, Asger Granfeldt can now better combine his clinical work with several research projects. The aim of the projects is to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind critical illness, which can help to identify potential new treatments.

Currently, Asger Granfeldt is amongst other things engaged in the so-called WHY-IHCA study, which examines the reasons why hospitalised patients develop cardiac arrest, and in the BIHCA trial, which examines the use of sodium bicarbonate in patients who experience cardiac arrest at the hospital. In addition, he is also involved in a translational research project in which he is investigating whether nitrogen oxide treatment can increase survival rates following cardiac arrest in pigs.


Professor Asger Granfeldt PhD Dmsc and specialty registrar
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Intensive Care
E-mail: granfeldt@clin.au.dk