Aarhus University Seal

New professor will strengthen palliative care

Terminally ill children and adults should receive optimal treatment and care. Mette Asbjørn Neergaard, who is a new professor at Aarhus University, will strengthen palliative care.

Mette Asbjørn Neergaard tiltræder professoratet på Aarhus Universitet den 1. oktober. Hun er også overlæge på Aarhus Universitetshospitals kræftafdeling. Foto: Birgit Skou Fotografi

Regardless of whether an incurably ill and dying patient is at home, in a hospice, hospital or nursing home, palliative care is needed to alleviate physical, psychological, social and existential challenges. Mette Asbjørn Neergaard, who is a new professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine, conducts research into both basic and specialised palliative care.

One area among others is how healthcare professionals can best plan their palliative efforts with special focus on vulnerable patient groups. Mette Asbjørn Neergaard has worked with the principles of Advance Care Planning, which involves planning end-of-life in consultation with the patient and relatives.

With the professorship, Mette Asbjørn Neergaard will also contribute to teaching medical students about palliative care. She believes that coming medical doctors need to be equipped to provide optimal clinical care for terminally ill and dying patients.



Professor, Consultant & PhD Mette Asbjørn Neergaard
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Oncology, Section of Palliative Medicine and Children and Young People Team for Palliative Medicine
Tel: (+45) 7845 4990
Email: mettneer@rm.dk