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New professor of forensic medicine at AU

Lene Warner Thorup Boel has been appointed professor at the Department of Forensic Medicine at Aarhus University.

Lene Warner Thorup Boel er nyudnævnt professor på Institut for Retsmedicin ved Aarhus Universitet. Foto: Lars Kruse, Aarhus Universitet
Lene Warner Thorup Boel er nyudnævnt professor på Institut for Retsmedicin ved Aarhus Universitet. Foto: Lars Kruse, Aarhus Universitet

Lene Warner Thorup Boel has taken up a professorship at the Department of Forensic Medicine. At the same time, she is now officially a state-appointed forensic pathologist and thus the head medical doctor at the department.

The newly appointed professor is pleased to be able to use her experience and skills in an even broader field.

"I’ve always really wanted to be able to make a contribution to my field, both in the wider academic field and in research," says Lene Warner Thorup Boel.

Her daily work revolves around research into autopsies that make use of what is known as diagnostic imaging. She makes use of MRI and – in particular – CT scanners that can provide images of otherwise hidden parts of the body.

These are particularly useful in connection with causes of death where a person has suffered physical injuries, as looking at a scanning image of the damaged tissue can be helpful in such cases.

"At the end of the day, optimising forensic autopsy with the help of diagnostic imaging leads to increased legal rights. It also makes it easier to prevent road traffic accidents, for example when we clarify the mechanisms behind different types of trauma," explains Lene Warner Thorup Boel. She also believes that this is an example of how ordinary citizens also benefit from research findings.

Lene Warner Thorup Boel also utilises diagnostic imaging to study osteoporosis. This is because studying bone tissue in the scanner makes it possible to see some of the special changes that occur in the bones due to this disorder in connection with ageing. According to the new professor, this leads to improved prevention and better treatment of osteoporosis patients.

Lene Warner Thorup Boel took up her professorship at the Department of Forensic Medicine at Aarhus University on 1 March 2016.

Further information:

Professor Lene Warner Thorup Boel
Aarhus University, Department of Forensic Medicin, Forensic Pathology
Direct tel.: (+45) 8716 8303