Aarhus University Seal

New PhD and higher doctoral degree candidates get their own celebration

Being awarded an academic degree will no longer be overlooked in silence. In future, Health will celebrate its PhD graduates and higher doctoral degree graduates at two annual ceremonies.

Nye ph.d.'er og doktorer fra Health får fremover deres egen dimissionsfest i Aulaen. Arkivfoto: Maria Randima/AU.
Nye ph.d.'er og doktorer fra Health får fremover deres egen dimissionsfest i Aulaen. Arkivfoto: Maria Randima/AU.

Receiving a PhD degree or a higher doctoral degree is a major achievement. Now Health is going to underline its importance by giving the newly qualified PhDs and higher doctoral candidates their own graduation celebration, which will be held twice a year. The programme features the awarding of diplomas for the degrees, celebratory speeches, musical performances and a reception.

In addition, the JCD Prize – also known as the Supervisor Award – will be presented during the event. It has previously been presented at the evening celebration following the PhD Day.

The first graduation ceremony will take place on 31 May 2017 and include higher doctoral candidates who received their degrees between 1 June 2016 - 15 May 2017, along with PhD candidates who received their degrees between 1 December 2016 - 15 May 2017.

All invitees to the ceremony in May will receive an invitation in March. The invitation will also state that it is possible to invite two guests to the event and also that participants do not have to reserve places for their supervisor, as he or she will already be included on the guest list.

Read more about the new ceremony on the graduate school’s website here