Aarhus University Seal

New learning for lecturers

With a new e-learning course, lecturers at Health can develop their educational and didactic competences. It will be up to the departments to assess who to offer the course to.

Det nye kursus, der udvikler deltagernes undervisningskompetencer, tages i Blackboard.

Selected lecturers at Health now have the opportunity to develop and update their teaching qualifications, when a new e-learning course is introduced at the departments at the beginning of the new year.

The course is offered online and is titled ”Introduction to Teaching and Learning”. The aim is to provide lecturers with an insight into basic pedagogical and didactic principles and newer teaching methods.

The course has been developed for new members of teaching staff, although the faculty management team at Health also want to give more experienced lecturers an opportunity to take it. In practice, this means that the department head together with the relevant director of studies and any other key persons will decide who the course should be offered to.

”Introduction to Teaching and Learning” is a e-learning only course which is anchored in Blackboard. The course consists of modules and has a workload of approximately seven hours over a working week. The course incorporates activities and an opportunity to receive feedback and guidance.

The course, which is free for participants, is being offered four times in 2017. It takes place in English.

Once the individual department has defined the target group for the course, registration is opened via the departments' information channels.

Facts about ”Introduction to Teaching and Learning” 

  • The E-learning course has been developed by the four educational centres at Aarhus University, including CESU, and is paid for by AU's strategic funds.
  • The form of instruction consists of self-paced online courses with an e-moderator as teacher.
  • The course will be evaluated by the faculty management team in 2018. 


Vice-dean for Education Charlotte Ringsted
Health, Aarhus University
Mobile: (+45) 9350 8222
Email: charlotte.ringsted@au.dk