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New honorary professor wants to teach us more about rare liver diseases

Professor Michael L. Schilsky MD of Yale University is a new honorary professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine, where he will be conducting research with colleagues in internal medicine and surgery, with rare liver diseases as the focal point.

Michael L. Schilsky hopes that with a greater understanding of Wilson’s disease, we can become better at evaluating current and new forms of therapy in the development of future clinical trials.
Michael L. Schilsky hopes that with a greater understanding of Wilson’s disease, we can become better at evaluating current and new forms of therapy in the development of future clinical trials. Photo: Yale School of Medicine

Michael L. Schilsky’s clinical and patient-oriented research focuses on rare liver diseases and liver transplantation, particularly in connection with Wilson’s disease. Amongst other things, he is an initiator and leading researcher at the multinational Wilson Disease Registry study, which is based at Yale University.

According to Michael L. Schilsky, international collaboration provides unique opportunities to obtain information about more patients with rare liver diseases, and it also helps to accelerate the development of biomarkers that can be used to examine and treat patients. The professor is therefore very pleased with the recent affiliation with Aarhus University.

“It is a great honour to receive this recognition from Aarhus University and to be working together with the excellent clinicians and researchers at the facility. The collaborative approach to studying the rare liver disorder Wilson disease can provide a template for how to approach the work with other rare disorders of the liver.  I very much hope that the honorary professorship will strengthen the ongoing work and open doors for future collaborations, both for myself and between young colleagues at Yale University and Aarhus University,” says Michael L. Schilsky.


Honorary Professor Michael L. Schilsky MD
Yale University School of Medicine and
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
E-mail: michael.schilsky@yale.edu