Aarhus University Seal

New faculty party at Health – reserve the date!

Please reserve Friday 5 May 2017 already now. This is the evening when the summer party at Health will be revived in a new, festive spring format.

Fakultetet byder op til fest og dans i S-bygningen på Fuglesangs Allé 5. maj.

In keeping with tradition, all employees at Health are invited to dinner, dance and festive socialising during the long spring evening. As something new for this year, the faculty party will take place in Aarhus BSS' premises in Building S at Fuglesangs Allé.

The party starts at 18:00 with dinner and free bar during dinner. After 22:00 the festivities continue with music and dancing at the same location.

Information about how to sign-up for the faculty party and other practical information will follow during the spring – but reserve the date in your calendar already now and make sure that your colleagues do the same.