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New face at MIB: Ferran Mayayo

PhD student from the Center for Brain and Cognition, Pompeu Fabra University visits MIB.

Ferran Mayayo is a  PhD student (currently finishing his 3rd year) at the Center for Brain and Cognition at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. His research is focused on the cognitive, neuronal and evolutionary bases on rhythm perception (beat perception, meter perception organisation of temporal structures). So far, he has investigated to what extent some rhythmic abilities and sensitivities might be present in non-human animals such as rats, and how humans process and are constrained to some of these rhythmic capacities.

During his stay at the MIB, Ferran will work on the synchronisation of neuronal oscillations to specific grouping patterns of auditory events to explore how the human brain perceptually groups the events when patterns conflict. The study, in collaboration with Prof. Peter Keller and Assistant Prof. Alexandre Celma-Miralles, is based on EEG analysis and behavioural data with a frequency tagging approach.

While in Aarhus, Ferran also hopes to cultivate one of his greatest preferences: to create and to muse about music.