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New face at MIB: Alicja Szmidka

Master's student from the Medial University of Gdańsk, Poland visits MIB for 2 months.

Alicja Szmidka is a 4th year Health Psychology student at the Medial University of Gdańsk, Poland. She’s passionate about research and decided to do her two-months internship at MIB. 

Durning her stay, she’ll be helping Assistant Professor Kira Vibe Jespersen in her project about the effect of music on insomnia. Alicja is planning to use this knowledge in her Master's thesis, which is about the inclusion of Ukrainian refugees in European countries and the needs and problems they’re facing - which is also insomnia. 

Alicja spends her spare time at The Visible Foundation (which for the last half of year helps Ukrainian refugees in Gdańsk) or playing with her dog Polar.