Aarhus University Seal

New doctor can predict the course of cancer

Lise Lindahl is a new doctor at Aarhus University, and she can predict how aggressive courses of skin lymphoma will be. Moreover, she has also found a cure.

Lise Lindahl receiving her higher doctoral degree in medical science within cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), which is skin lymphoma. Photo: Nicolai Hildebrand, AU

Imagine if we could predict at an early stage whether a cancer disease will progress slowly or aggressively. This is exactly what Lise Lindahl has managed to do in her higher doctoral dissertation. She has conducted research into skin lymphoma, which develops from the cells of the lymph system.

By studying Danish health registers and analysing data from patients with skin lymphoma, Lise Lindahl discovered that the disease can develop in different ways. She then analysed cancer cells and found a molecular marker that can predict how the disease will progress at the time of diagnosis.

The marker has a function that increases cell division and thus also the spread of the cancer. Lise Lindahl returned to the laboratory to find a cure, and she discovered that antibiotics used to kill staphylococcus aureus (golden staph) in the skin also slow down the disease.

Her research results pave the way for more targeted patient treatment with a better effect and fewer side effects.


DMSc and PhD Lise Lindahl
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Dermatology
Email: lise.lindahl@clin.au.dk
Mobile: (+45) 25396654