Aarhus University Seal

New dentists graduate from AU

On Friday 27 June 2014 a celebration was held in the Lakeside Lecture Theatres for 46 newly graduated dentists. The new dentists from Aarhus University can now leave five years of successful studies behind and look forward to working as dentists.

De nye tandlæger fra Aarhus Universitet. Foto: Martin Vestergaard.
De nye tandlæger fra Aarhus Universitet. Foto: Martin Vestergaard.

A new group of dentists from Aarhus University are now ready to meet the real world. Two of the newly qualified dentists are pleased with their new title and have fond memories of their time at AU.

"Focus has been on the individual student's development, and the academic level has been high. We have also worked togeInleel Shinother with other year groups, so that on your first semester you could already come into contact with students on their ninth semester. That gives you a good impression of the degree programme and a coherent picture of the process," says 25-year-old Inleel Shino.

One of his co-graduates adds:

"As students we have been guided through the entire degree programme while more theory and technical challenges have been gradually added. There has always been a well-functioning and well-planned study plan," says 24-year-old Sisse Maria Geertsen Buhl.

Academic and social benefits

"Studying at the Aarhus School of Dentistry has been really good, both academically and socially. I've learned a lot and, at the same time, expanded my network," says Inleel Shino.

Sisse Maria Geertsen Buhl agrees.

"In addition to the comprehensive odontological knowledge and skills, I have also made some amazing friends and I have a lot of great memories of my education. Despite the many long and hard exam periods, I will definitely look back and remember my time at the univer

Sisse Maria Buhl Geertsen

sity as fantastic and fun," says Sisse Maria Geertsen Buhl.

The two new dentists agree that they are well prepared for working as a dentist.

"The degree program

me has given me a really good foundation. As a student of

odontology I have seen and performed many different patient treatments. But I'm really looking forward to even bigger challenges and to getting into a routine and gaining experience," says Sisse Maria Geertsen Buhl.

Inleel Shino has found temporary work in a private dentist practice in Aarhus while another dentist is on maternity leave. Sisse Maria Geertsen Buhl is starting in a temporary position in Rønde Municipality’s child dental care department.