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Meet fellow peers who expand your horizons

The Cardiovascular Network at Health welcomes anyone with an interest in cardiovascular diseases to its annual meeting on 9 September 2021. The same applies to researchers who wish to become a member of the network. The only requirement is that you should be prepared to gain new knowledge and meet new people.

Det kardiovaskulære netværk på Health samler forskere fra en række fagområder i nye fælles projekter til gavn for patienter med hjertesygdom. Billederne er fra Det kardiovaskulære netværks første årsmøde, som blev afholdt i 2019. Fotos: AU Heal
Det kardiovaskulære netværk på Health samler forskere fra en række fagområder i nye fælles projekter til gavn for patienter med hjertesygdom. Billederne er fra Det kardiovaskulære netværks første årsmøde, som blev afholdt i 2019. Fotos: AU Health.

"We provide the framework for interdisciplinary cardiological research collaboration at the highest international level with one goal in mind; to improve the treatment of heart disease," answers Jens Cosedis Nielsen, the network’s spokesperson, promptly when asked what the network’s goal is.

We discuss what puzzles us

"The network is a success when researcher A meets researcher B and C, and together they find out that they can contribute to each other's research. We facilitate collaboration between researchers doing basic research and clinical researchers in a situation where everyone is inquisitive and ready to talk about what puzzles them. It should be easier to find new collaborative partners," he says.

"For example, if I as a consultant at AUH face a specific clinical challenge which I have difficulty understanding or solving, then the network provides a good opportunity to bring it up. There’s always someone who knows more or something different than you do, and perhaps even something you didn't even know existed," explains Jens Cosedis Nielsen, who is also a professor, department chair at the Department of Clinical Medicine.

From microscope to helicopter perspective

The cardiovascular network was established in 2019 as the first of the faculty's five academic research networks, and today it has almost 190 members with the vast majority coming from AU and AUH. According to Jens Cosedis Nielsen, who also chairs the steering committee, the network is happy to welcome new members. This includes researchers from elsewhere in Denmark and from abroad. As it has ambitions that stretch far beyond Denmark's borders.

"The goal is for us to do translational work. That is to say, to go from basic physiological studies of molecules and cells over animal studies to clinical trials in smaller groups of people, and then further to epidemiological studies where we study entire populations. We want the whole palette – from the microscope to the helicopter perspective, where you look down at the entire country. Then we’ll really make a difference for society," he says.

Networking strengthens opportunities for external funding

He adds that when researchers establish more and larger collaborations together, which several of the network’s members have already done - for example in the areas of heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias - this has a positive influence on the research results and the opportunities for applying for the largest grants.

"In some contexts, it’ll be easier to be considered for the large funding applications if you can document that you’re research work is both interdisciplinary and translational. And we can do that in the network," says Jens Cosedis Nielsen.

Despite his enthusiasm, he is very aware that the network cannot and should not be forced on people. It is an opportunity, and membership is both voluntary and free of charge.

The activities in the cardiovascular network are very much research focused, but both the steering committee and ordinary members also work with talent development, recruitment and teaching at both post- and pre-graduate level. Next summer, the network will be responsible for a Summer School at Health, where young research talents will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in different aspects of cardiovascular research.


Professor, Department Chair, Consultant & DMSc Jens Cosedis Nielsen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Cardiology
Email: jens.cosedis.nielsen@clin.au.dk
Mobile: +45 40 18 84 48

Read more on The Cardiovascular Network’s website and in the article "The cardiovascular network at Health is a reality".

You can also read the article "What could a chance meeting in the new professional networks lead to?", in which Vice-dean for Research and Acting Dean Hans Erik Bøtker encourages all researchers at Health to play an active role in one or two of Health's five networks.

The annual meeting of the Cardiovascular Network

Participants at the annual meeting will not only be able to discuss and exchange ideas with one another, but also hear presentations from:

  • Professor and newly appointed Honorary Doctor Katja Zeppenfeld from Leiden University
  • Professor Majken Jensen from the University of Copenhagen
  • Assistant Professor José Javier Fuster from the Spanish Centre for Cardiovascular Research in Madrid

The annual meeting is open for all via registration and will take place on Thursday 9 September 14:00 - 18:00 in the Merete Barker Lecture Theatre (The Lakeside Lecture Theatres, Building 1253). The deadline for registration is 29 August 2021.

See the programme for the annual meeting (pdf) and register via Conference Manager.

Health's research networks

Health has five interdisciplinary research networks that work together on research and education within the following subject areas:

The networks discuss and collaborate on topics which are of interest to society in general, and they are open for external collaboration with both leading international environments and business and industry.

The five networks hold regular events focusing on academic development, knowledge sharing, mutual inspiration and networking.