Aarhus University Seal

Meet DCAcademy's new student assistant Peter

In mid-January, Peter Katballe-Kristensen began working as a student assistant at the DCAcademy office in Aarhus.

In mid-January, Peter Katballe-Kristensen began working as a student assistant at the DCAcademy office in Aarhus.

Some personal and professional facts about Peter

Peter is 32 years old and is orignally from West Jutland but now lives in Aarhus N. He has a bachelor’s degree in rhetoric from the University of Copenhagen and is currently studying English at Aarhus University.

One of Peter's professional strengths is his ability to write and give critical feedback on texts, which is why Peter also works as a student helper at the English Writing Centre at AU.

Here at DCAcademy, he will be assisting with content creation for our social media channels, as well as he will be helping around the office with different practical assignments.

He expresses that he loves learning new things, so he is very excited about engaging with a field as diverse and important as cardiovascular research. Therefore, he is also looking forward to writing about all the important research that our grant recipients are doing.

A little fun fact about Peter

An interesting thing to know about Peter is that he once lived in a baseball stadium in Dalian, China. If you get the chance to meet him at our office or at one of our courses, you can ask him what this is all about. 

Get in touch with Peter

If you want to get in touch with Peter, you can reach him by mail: pkk@biomed.au.dk.

He will typically be at the office on Mondays and Thursdays.