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Major American award won by researcher from Aarhus

Professor Herman Autrup from Aarhus University has just received the Society of Toxicology Education Award. The award was made for his long-standing contribution to research into toxicology, which is the research into toxins and chemical substances.

Herman Autrups mål er at udbrede kendskabet til risikovurdering i lande, hvor der er et stort behov. Og det er især i udviklingslandene.
Herman Autrups mål er at udbrede kendskabet til risikovurdering i lande, hvor der er et stort behov. Og det er især i udviklingslandene.

Herman Autrup has just been honoured at the Society of Toxicology’s annual meeting in Arizona, USA. Here he received the Education Award, which was awarded because of the many years he has spent working to ensure that the level of education for toxicologists around the world remains high.

The professor has e.g. contributed to establishing toxicological courses and curriculum at Aarhus University. During his career he has also supervised more than 200 toxicology students.

“The award honours my role as a lecturer. In addition to teaching environmental risk assessment in Denmark, I have also taught in many other countries in Asia, Africa and South America. The target group for the teaching has been Master’s degree students, employees in industry and civil servants,” says Herman Autrup, who has recently held courses in Brunei and Thailand.

Helping developing nations
He is one of the first foreigners to receive the American award. An award that has been given since 1975 in recognition of the fact that education is very important for the development of toxicology.

“My goal is to spread knowledge of risk assessment in countries where there is a great need, which there is in developing countries in particular. Many of these countries are working hard to achieve the environmental requirements that the Western world demands for the import of their products,” says Herman Autrup.

In addition to his efforts in the field of education, Herman Autrup is a respected researcher with focus on molecular epidemiology and nanotoxicology. At the moment he is also president of the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX), co-editor of the Society of Toxicology’s scientific journal and co-editor of an environmental and occupational medicine textbook in Denmark.

Further information

Professor Herman Autrup
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Direct tel: +45 8716 8029