Aarhus University Seal

Launch of new research network within research in children and adolescents

Aarhus University Hospital - Sick Kids is the name of a new network which brings together the best health research within the field of children and adolescents at Aarhus University Hospital. The network is holding a start-up seminar on Thursday 9 October.

Aarhus University Hospital - Sick Kids holder opstartsseminar torsdag d. 9. oktober. Foto: Colourbox.
Aarhus University Hospital - Sick Kids holder opstartsseminar torsdag d. 9. oktober. Foto: Colourbox.

Aarhus University Hospital’s clinical and research activity is part of a benchmarking network together with the world's leading children’s hospitals. Even though Aarhus University Hospital is not an independent children's hospital, but part of a combined hospital, it wants to compare itself with the leading children’s hospitals in the world. Perhaps because its particular design, in which adult specialist areas are part of the diagnosis and treatment of children, can be a long term example of how to ensure an suitable transition from child to adult in relation to chronic disorders. This also ensures a good exchange of research results, irrespective of whether they are obtained from research in children or adults.

Leading surgeons visiting Aarhus

The majority of medical areas of speicialisation have research in children at the highest international level. At the start-up seminar on 9 October they will each present selected examples of this research. Much of the research takes place in an international collaboration. In the area of treatment of children with very severe malformations in the urinary tract, for example, this has resulted in the world's leading surgeons in the field visiting Aarhus and treating the children together with surgeons from Aarhus University Hospital.

The start-up seminar will serve to provide an opportunity to exchange ideas, establish partnerships and become familiar with the many different research activities taking place within the framework of Aarhus University Hospital.

Aarhus University Hospital - Sick Kids is holding a start-up seminar.

Thursday 9 October 9:00 - 16:40

The AIAS Auditorium, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS)

Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6b, Building 1632, 8000 Aarhus C

The seminar is open to all.

At the seminar, Andrew Redington from the Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto will talk about the organisation of research in children and adolescents at his hospital.

In addition, a number of Danish researchers from Aarhus University Hospital will talk about their research into e.g. congenital heart disease in children, leukaemia in children and incontinence in children.

Find more information in the programme for the day (in Danish only).