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Join the inaugural meeting of the cancer network at Health

On 19 September 2023, the Translational Cancer Network invites you to its first annual meeting where researchers from all departments gather for a day dedicated to cancer research. The event is open to all upon registration.

The inaugural meeting of the Translational Cancer Network will take place on 19 September from 15:00-19:00 in auditorium G206-106 at Aarhus University Hospital.
The inaugural meeting of the Translational Cancer Network will take place on 19 September from 15:00-19:00 in auditorium G206-106 at Aarhus University Hospital. Photo: Simon Fischel, AU Health

More than 45,000 Danes are diagnosed with cancer every year, and cancer is the most common cause of death nationwide. According to the board, the Translational Cancer Network aims to help both Danish and foreign cancer patients by translating the latest discoveries from basic research into clinical practice and vice versa, to create new and better treatments.

The cancer network is the most recently added research network at the faculty. Clinical Professor of Medicine Signe Borgquist from the Department of Clinical Medicine and Professor Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen from the Department of Biomedicine lead the network together.

"We noticed that there were some incredibly strong research environments for cancer at both AUH and AU. The idea with the network is to get these different communities to talk even more to each other and create a formal space where conversations can be facilitated across seniority, research areas, and backgrounds," says Signe Borgquist.

Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen adds: "We hope that the network can help highlight Aarhus as a beacon in cancer research, but the primary goal is to help cancer patients worldwide. We want to emphasize that we need to make an active effort to meet clinicians and non-clinicians so we can collaborate on addressing unresolved research questions."

Facts about the annual meeting in the Translational Cancer Network

  • Time and place: 19 September 2023 from 15:00-19:00 in auditorium G206-106 at Aarhus University Hospital, entrance G.
  • More info: Find the full program here and register on the cancer network's website.
  • Keynote speakers: Professor Sarah-Maria Fendt from KU Leuven in Belgium and Professor Mads Melbye, research director at the Danish Cancer Society.
  • Learn more about the Translational Cancer Network on the network's website (in English).

Get insights into the latest cancer research

At the inaugural meeting on 19 September at Aarhus University Hospital, there's a comprehensive program planned with keynote presentations from Professor Sarah-Maria Fendt from KU Leuven in Belgium and Professor Mads Melbye, research director at the Danish Cancer Society. Topics range from surgery to immunology, from radiation to circulating tumor DNA, and from the lab to the current patient situation.

"The inaugural meeting is in many ways the event that kick-starts our network efforts, but we certainly won't rest on our laurels after September. There are many exciting things ahead, and the most important thing for us right now is to engage as many people as possible so the network is broadly anchored," says Signe Borgquist, further explaining:

"Cancer is the most common diagnosis we see at the hospital, affecting many as both patients and relatives. We want to inspire research that truly matters and makes a difference."

Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen hopes that many clinicians can make time in their busy schedules to attend the meeting.

"To truly elevate cancer research in Aarhus to a new level, we need to meet across fields and discuss pressing questions in the clinic and use them to come up with ideas for better patient treatment, more targeted medicine, etc. I hope many clinicians will attend the meeting to share their specific needs, helping researchers perhaps to open new doors or identify new potential focus areas."

"I'm excited to become more knowledgeable in my field"

The inaugural meeting begins with a welcome from Dean Anne-Mette Hvas, and participants can also experience various local speakers from AU and AUH. The network has also invited several young researchers to participate with poster presentations, which will be judged and recognized with poster awards.

"In all modesty, I think we've created an exciting program with both external guests and a broad representation of researchers from Health. I'm personally very curious to get to know new colleagues and to hear about the fascinating cancer research happening at the faculty that I'm certain I haven't heard about before," says Signe Borgquist.

Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen personally dreams of the network fostering more broad collaborations regarding fund allocations and center allocations.

"Being able to address topics grown across institutes and research areas but with a shared interest in cancer would be a great success. I would be very happy if the annual meeting could be the starting point for the establishment of new interdisciplinary research projects, thus new breakthroughs," he says.

For more information and registration for the inaugural meeting, visit the cancer network's website.


Network Coordinator Anja P. Einholm
Aarhus University, Health – Faculty Secretariat
Mobile: 93 50 84 08
Email: ape@au.dk