Aarhus University Seal

Ivy Susanne Modrau receives large NNF grant to investigate patient empowerment to improve health and well-being after heart surgery

Associate Professor and Senior Consultant Cardiac Surgeon Ivy Susanne Modrau, MD, dr.med. (German) receives funding from Novo Nordisk Foundation for a new research project to investigate patient empowerment to improve health and well-being after heart surgery.

Increasing numbers of elderly patients with many health problems in addition to their heart disease undergo heart surgery. Hardly any of them attend cardiac rehabilitation programmes, even though they need physical activity and coaching to get back on their feet – both physically and mentally – even after successful heart surgery.

This research project aims to develop a flexible model for future cardiac rehabilitation geared to promote health and well-being after heart surgery. We investigate why patients decline, how we can adapt our services to their specific needs, and whether mobile health technology can help to motivate and coach these patients at home early after discharge. Together with patients, relatives, and all actors responsible for cardiac rehabilitation, we will find ways to bridge the gap of care our patient’s experience after discharge. Jointly, a new individualized approach to cardiac rehabilitation after heart surgery is developed and tested by end-users.

Associate Professor and Senior Consultant Cardiac Surgeon Ivy Susanne Modrau, MD dr.med. (German) receives DKK 5.992.323 from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Senior Researcher and Physiotherapist Bente Skovsby Toft was co-applicant on the application for the project "Patient empowerment to improve health and well-being after heart surgery: A new personalized approach to cardiac rehabilitation".

The research team behind the project is interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral and includes both doctors, physiotherapists, and nurses. The project will be conducted in cooperation with patients and their relatives as well as health care professionals at the cardiothoracic departments in the Northern and Central Denmark regions. Ivy's research is supported through a supporting grant from Central Region Denmark research foundation for her research plan ”Improving recovery after open-heart surgery".


Ivy Susanne Modrau, MD dr.med. (German)
Clinical Professor and Chair, Senior Consultant

Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
Aarhus University Hospital
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 69
8200 Aarhus N

Email: ivymod@clin.au.dk