Aarhus University Seal

Improved quality for Health's websites

The faculty management team has adopted new web guidelines. These will ensure a uniform structure, improved quality and streamlining of the work on the faculty and departmental websites.

Healths hjemmesider får et løft, når kommunikationsafdelingen og de lokale redaktører går i gang med implementeringen af de nye retningslinjer for web governance. Foto: Colourbox.
Healths hjemmesider får et løft, når kommunikationsafdelingen og de lokale redaktører går i gang med implementeringen af de nye retningslinjer for web governance. Foto: Colourbox.

When you meet Health on the Internet today, there are places where the impression you get is a little messy and disparate. This will change when the new guidelines for web governance are implemented on the faculty and department websites over the coming months.

New division of responsibilities ensures ownership and mandate

The new guidelines also mean an altered division of roles and responsibility between the department's web editors and HE Communication. This means that in future, HE Communication will be responsible for communication via the departments' external pages, while the responsibility for the internal pages will remain with the departments themselves.

The new division of responsibilities ensures that the external websites communicate to external target groups in a clear manner, and that the websites across the faculty maintain a more uniform and professional look. They will also relieve pressure on the web editors at the departments, as they often have too little time for working on the websites.

User-friendliness on the menu

Working with two departments on a pilot project, HE Communication has prepared the guidelines, which contain three important overall objectives. That they should:

  • determine the division of responsibilities, tasks, mandate, ownership and content production.
  • ensure a uniform structure and high quality content.
  • reduce the overall use of resources for the web (once the guidelines have been phased in).

Once the new guidelines are implemented, all content on the faculty's many websites will be structured according to the same template. This means that all faculty and departmental websites will receive the same navigation menu – though with the option of adding up to three optional menu items on the internal websites to take into account departments' individual requirements.

Implementation of the guidelines

The guidelines came into force on 1 October 2016, and the plan is to implement them on the faculty's and the departments' websites as follows:

  • The faculty websites: Oct - Nov 2016
  • Department of Dentistry and Oral Health: Sept - Dec 2016
  • Department of Clinical Medicine: Nov 2016 - Jan 2017
  • Department of Public Health: Jan - March 2017
  • Department of Forensic Medicine: Feb - Mar 2017
  • Department of Biomedicine: March - May 2017

As part of this process, Health’s external websites will also receive a design update, and both external and internal pages will be converted to responsive formats, so they can be accessed from mobile devices.

See more details in the guidelines for external websites and internal websites respectively on Health's staff page.

Further information

Web Assistant Iris Galili
Aarhus University, HE Communication
Mobile: (+45) 5566 6533
Email: irga@au.dk