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Holiday greetings from DCAcademy Director - Christian Aalkjær

DCAcademy’s third year is coming to an end. Looking back, it has been a great year and we thank every one of you for engaging with us and our events.

DCAcademy’s third year is coming to an end. Looking back, it has been a great year, and we thank every one of you for engaging with us and our events. Altogether, more than 1000 participants joined our events in 2023. Some highlights from this year are our adventurous Winter Meeting in Isaberg, Sweden, our popular Summer Meeting in Nyborg with 200+ participants, our International Summit on Clinical Research in Heart Failure in Glasgow, UK, and welcoming our third group of grant recipients to the DCAcademy. A fourth call is realized in 2024 and we look forward to receiving applications with deadline 7th of February. 
In the rest of the article, you will find an invitation to the DCAcademy Winter Meeting 2024, and some collected highlights from this fall/winter.

DCAcademy Winter Meeting 2024

Winter is here. I hope you have enjoyed, on occasion, a white and cold December. Our winter meeting next year will also be at a snowy destination, that is Norefjell in Norway. As a new thing, we will also be hosting two sessions on the Oslo Ferry. You can look forward to good scientific talks, fruitful workshops, and some hands-on experiments in the light of the topic Aging and Cardiovascular disease. Take a look at the event here. 

Ambassador Dinner 2023

This year we held the academy's first Ambassador Dinner. It was a festive evening where we celebrated our grant recipients and their contributions to the cardiovascular field. You can read more about the evening here.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest 

During week 49, leading experts in the field of sudden cardiac arrest from around the world gathered in Copenhagen to share the latest research findings and discuss future directions. The event was associated with The Lancet Commission on Sudden Cardiac Death Meeting. The meeting also included many exciting presentations from leading experts and poster presentations from young scientist. Congratulations to Monica De Gaspari (University of Padova) for winning the best poster presentation and Johs Dannesboe (University of Copenhagen) for winning the prize for the most innovative abstract.

A special thanks to Bo Gregers Winkel and Fredrik Folke for organizing the meeting and setting up the programme.

A Neurovascular Visiting Faculty 

In mid-November, we hosted a Neuro-vascular Visiting Faculty in Aarhus and Copenhagen, Denmark. The two world leaders on neurovascular coupling, Anna Devor (Boston University) and Mark Nelson (University of Vermont), provided master classes to PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. The concept of Visiting Faculty is that the PhD students and the postdoctoral fellows present their projects, which are then commented on by the Visiting Faculty. The one-week visit ended with a full day symposium in Copenhagen for all interested, where the Visiting Faculty and the supervisors in Denmark presented.

The scientific discussions during the week had an extremely high quality, and when this was combined with great social interactions with the world-leaders in the field, it is fair to say that the Visiting Faculty concept was a success.” – Christian Aalkjær, Executive Managing Director.

We hope that other cardiovascular groups in Denmark will consider setting up a Visiting Faculty within their field, to get high quality input to their projects and interact socially with colleagues, who potentially will evaluate their next submission. Let us know if you have any ideas. Send us a declaration of interest.

Lastly, we wish everyone Happy Holidays and a happy New Year. We look very much forward to seeing you in 2024.  

Best wishes,
The DCAcademy Secretariat.