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Highlights from the DCAcademy summer meeting 2023

This year’s DCAcademy summer meeting has just taken place. We have collected some highlights from the meeting: the possibility of combining research and clinical work, the first day dedicated to the young researchers gave a boost for future professional work, and awards were given to dedicated cardiovascular researchers.  

The sun was shining, and the atmosphere was beyond great as 214 national and international cardiovascular researchers attended the DCAcademy summer meeting 2023 in Nyborg, Funen.  

“I was thrilled to see such a diversity among the researchers this year. And compared to last year, almost 70 more researchers attended the meeting. This is a wonderful improvement”, says Christian Aalkjær, Executive Managing Director, DCAcademy.  

This year’s programme contained 50 excellent talks, separate basic and clinical sessions, poster presentations (including one interactive poster with life images from a heart patient at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen) and the possibility to network across fields of study, age, and nationality.   

The summer meeting provides new perspectives and opportunities within the cardiovascular field  

One of the participants at this year’s summer meeting was Benedikt Linz, who is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Copenhagen. For him, the meeting provides a unique opportunity to dive into research and expand his network.  

“I think this meeting provides me with new perspectives. What I do in the clinics is broad and not so much focused because patients have different diseases, but research is normally really focused, and it is sometimes difficult to bring the two worlds together, so I think it broadens my perspectives and my horizon to hear other speakers talk about their research”, says Benedikt Linz.   

He adds “It is also a great opportunity to meet many different researchers from different areas that potentially can help with collaborations”.   

First day was dedicated to the young researchers  

Due to great success last year, DCAcademy has chosen to continue dedicating a big part of the first day to the young researchers. The young investigator day had a full programme from early morning till afternoon touching upon themes such as Scientific entrepreneurship and craftmanship. In between the scientific sessions the young investigators could get active by joining network activities such as Stand-up-paddling, bow and arrow, yoga and other activities with their fellow researchers.    

“I really liked the break with the sports. It helped me to be more focused for the rest of the day. In addition, it was also a nice opportunity to mingle with some new faces within the field”, says Kezia Jerltorp, master student, University of Copenhagen.  

During the afternoon the young researchers had the opportunity to meet 10 national and international professors and ask about their career paths.   

“I really enjoyed the meet and greet with the professors whom I only knew through their research publications. It was a rare opportunity to ask questions one on one and share experiences. It gave me a boost in my future professional work”, says Kezia Jerltorp.   

Awards were given to dedicated cardiovascular researchers   

Another highlight of this year’s summer meeting was the DCAcademy Lifetime Achievement Award, which was given to Professor in Anesthesiology, Niels H. Secher, for his work on integrative cardiovascular function with an emphasis on cerebral circulation and exercise physiology. Niels H. Secher works at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen.   

Young talents were also celebrated. A 7,000 DKK travel grant for best oral presentation was given to Jannik Hjortshøj Larsen from University of Southern Denmark.  

Seven 5,000 DKK travel grants for best poster presentations was given to Eva Havers-Borgersen, Rigshospitalet, Louise Aas Holm, University of Copenhagen, Anna Meta Dyrvig Kristensen, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospitals, Helena Magnusson, University of Copenhagen, Simon Haugaard, University of Copenhagen, Mads Fischer, University of Copenhagen and Joakim Armstrong Bastrup, University of Copenhagen.   

Save the date!   

Next year’s summer meeting will be 20th – 22nd of June 2024 in Nyborg, Funen.