Aarhus University Seal

Health to receive a new professor of emergency medicine

On 1 January 2024, Bas de Groot will start as a professor of emergency medicine at the Department of Clinical Medicine and the Research Center for Emergency Medicine at Aarhus University Hospital. His specific focus will be on improving care for older patients.

Professor Bas de Groot will utilise his research results when he teaches medical students and doctors in continuing and further education. This will help ensure that staff have knowledge and skills to provide the best possible care for patients in acute situations.
Professor Bas de Groot will utilise his research results when he teaches medical students and doctors in continuing and further education. This will help ensure that staff have knowledge and skills to provide the best possible care for patients in acute situations.

Dutch researcher Bas de Groot has a strong commitment to improving patient care for older patients and patients with serious infections. He took his medical exam at the Vrije University in Amsterdam, where he also completed his PhD. He then moved to The Hague, where he specialised in emergency medicine.

His research focuses on risk stratification and improvement of care in the emergency care chain. Risk stratification consists of dividing patients with the same disease into several levels depending on their need for specialised healthcare efforts. According to Bas de Groot, this can help detect and treat life-threatening conditions early, especially in older patients.

"Older patients have different needs than younger patients, which means we have to approach their care differently as well. Improved risk stratification will help us identify very ill patients, which can sometimes be difficult in older people. If life-threatening conditions are detected earlier, then treatment can also be started earlier, and this will improve outcomes for patients," he says.


Professor Bas de Groot
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Research Center for Emergency Medicine
Email: Bas.DeGroot@radboudumc.nl
Telephone: +31-6-28981370