Aarhus University Seal

Health offers language support to interdisciplinary networks

All members of Health's interdisciplinary networks can now apply for language support in connection with applications for interdisciplinary funding, including text structuring, wording and proofreading.

The language funds must be used by the end of 2024, and applications will be assessed on an ongoing basis until 1 December 2024.
The language funds must be used by the end of 2024, and applications will be assessed on an ongoing basis until 1 December 2024. Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Photo.

Last year, the Dean's Office at Health decided to support a new language support initiative launched by the Cardiovascular Network. A new pool has been established to extend the offer to members of all interdisciplinary networks at the faculty.

Which projects are eligible for funding?

You can apply for funding for interdisciplinary projects.

In addition to researchers from Health, the project must include at least one collaborator from a faculty other than Health, one collaborator from a national/international institution, and one collaborator from a company or similar, i.e. researchers from three different parties.

As a general rule, applications must target instruments in the range of DKK 2-10 million, and applicants must account for the interdisciplinary elements of the project.

The language funds must be used by the end of 2024, and applications will be assessed on an ongoing basis until 1 December 2024.

You can read more about the pool and fill in the application form here:

"The purpose of us at Health creating this pool is that we would like to support applications from our research network and thereby contribute to enhancing the quality and increasing the chances of the networks succeeding with their applications," says Dean Anne-Mette Hvas.

With the strategic funds, Health also wishes to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and funding applications, in which the academic networks collaborate with other faculties as well as public and private players outside Health.


Network Coordinator Anja P. Einholm
Aarhus University, HE Administrative Centre
Telephone: (+45) 93508408
Email: ape@au.dk