Aarhus University Seal

Health has a new professor specialising in epithelial function in normal and pathological physiology

Lene Niemann Nejsum is a new professor. In her research, she focuses on understanding the cellular changes in the epithelium that can lead to disease. Epithelial cell layers line the body’s inner and outer surfaces and act as specialised, selective barriers. Epithelial dysfunctions are involved in a wide range of widespread diseases, including renal disease and several types of cancer.

Lene Niemann Nejsum is a newly appointed professor at Aarhus University.
Lene Niemann Nejsum is a newly appointed professor at Aarhus University. Photo: Private

Lene Niemann Nejsum’s research group especially focuses on a group of proteins, aquaporins, which are water channel proteins that are important in regulating the body’s fluid balance, and where incorrect regulation may manifest itself in a wide range of diseases associated with altered fluid balance. In addition, recent research has shown that aquaporins are involved in the development and spread of many cancers, including breast cancer.

The research group is working determinedly to examine how aquaporins contribute to pathological processes in the kidneys, as well as to the development and spread of cancer. The aim of the research is to improve the diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic options for these diseases.


Professor Lene Niemann Nejsum PhD
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
Mobile: +45 2116 3121
E-mail: nejsum@clin.au.dk