Aarhus University Seal

Gynaecologist becomes honorary professor at Aarhus University

The Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University has appointed Nikolaos Polyzos as a new honorary professor. He carries out research into treatment options for women who are unable to become pregnant.

Nikolaos Polyzos forsker i, hvilke effektive behandlingsmuligheder der kan tilbydes kvinder, som i en sen alder søger hjælp til fertilitet, men også yngre kvinder, som lider af tidlig aldring i æggestokkene.
Nikolaos Polyzos forsker i, hvilke effektive behandlingsmuligheder der kan tilbydes kvinder, som i en sen alder søger hjælp til fertilitet, men også yngre kvinder, som lider af tidlig aldring i æggestokkene.

Many women hope to see the two lines on their pregnancy test that indicate pregnancy, but some never do. They cannot become pregnant. This may be due to several factors and these are the women that Nikolaos Polyzos will help with his research. He has just been appointed honorary professor at Aarhus University.

Nikolaos Polyzos conducts research into the effective treatment options on offer to women who cannot become pregnant. This includes women who require fertility help at an older age, but it also includes younger women suffering from premature ageing of the ovaries. Together, these two groups of patients make up approximately 25 per cent of all infertile patients.

Studying genetic infertility

Hereditary factors can cause these younger women to develop premature ageing of the ovaries. Nikolaos Polyzos therefore studies the specific genetic variations that can be observed in these infertile women.

"Identification of the genetic variations among infertile women can help gynaecologists to provide patients with the best possible guidance. The hope is that this new knowledge will contribute to research into targeted gene therapy against ageing of the ovaries, so that we will in future be able to provide much better help for women who cannot have children," says Nikolas Polyzos.

Nikolaos Polyzos is from Greece. He has a PhD degree from the University of Ioannina in Greece, as well as a PhD degree from Brussels Free University in Belgium.

Further information

Gynaecologist, PhD Nikolaos Polyzos
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
n. polyzos@gmail.com