Aarhus University Seal

Grant supports project on environmental impact and risk of children developing psychiatric disorders

Assistant Professor Anna Starnawska from Aarhus University will study the risk of psychiatric disorders in children on the basis of the environment in which they grow up. She has received DKK 2.86 million towards the project from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Adjunkt Anna Starnawska fra Institut for Biomedicin vil undersøge miljø-drevene epigenetiske mekanismer, som påvirker risiko for psykisk sygdom.

How do children's environment and genetics affect the development of psychiatric disorders? Assistant Professor Anna Starnawska from the Department of Biomedicine receives DKK 2.86 million from the Inge Lehmann programme to investigate this.

According to Anna Starnawska, we know very little about the molecular mechanisms involved when environments affect the development of psychiatric disorders in children. She will examine children's epigenetics, which have an influence on how their genes act. Environmental factors regulate epigenetics and are crucial for healthy brain development. Anna Starnawska's research will expand our understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms through which children's environments contribute to the development of psychiatric disorders such as autism, ADHD, OCD and depression.


Assistant Professor Anna Starnawska
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine
Email: as@biomed.au.dk