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Experts in whiplash visit Aarhus

From 21-23 March, Aarhus University is holding a research symposium on the very diverse consequences of whiplash accidents. A number of the world’s leading experts will be participating.

Professor Troels Staehelin Jensen er en af arrangørerne af symposiet.
Professor Troels Staehelin Jensen er en af arrangørerne af symposiet.

More and more people suffer whiplash. Each year, a total of 6,000 Danes suffer a whiplash injury. Even though it is a widespread phenomenon, medical doctors still do not have a clear understanding of why some people suffer permanent injury while others quickly recover without any lasting effects.

The Danish Pain Research Centre at Aarhus University is therefore gathering a number of the leading researchers in the area for a symposium on whiplash, taking place between 21-23 March.

“At the symposium we will discuss and share knowledge about which risk factors there are for developing chronic pain. We are naturally very pleased to be able to attract so many international capacities in the area, so that we can all benefit from the latest knowledge about this problem,” says Professor Troels Staehelin Jensen, who is one of the two main organisers together with Consultant Helge Kasch.

The programme therefore covers topics such as measuring chronic pain, genetic markers, injuries, psychological factors and prevention.

In all, approximately 120 medical doctors and researchers - 30 of them from abroad - will participate in the symposium being held at the Lakeside Lecture Theatre at Aarhus University.

Read more

Read more on the website: http://www.painandwhiplashaarhus2014.dk/

Further information

Professor Troels Staehelin Jensen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine, Danish Pain Research Centre and
Aarhus University Hospital
Tel.: +45 2616 7042