Aarhus University Seal

Department at regional hospital granted status as university clinic

Department of Women's Diseases and Childbirth at Regional Hospital Gødstrup is granted university clinic status after years of dedicated work in HPV-related research

Photo: Regional Hospital Gødstrup

From July 1, 2024, the Research Department of Women's Diseases and Childbirth at Regional Hospital Gødstrup will be designated as a university clinic. This recognition as a university clinic is the result of many years of work and an increasing level of research activity in the treatment of women with HPV-related diseases.

In 2023, this research activity culminated in 10 new research projects in the department, 18 published research articles in leading international journals, and the department's researchers brought home five awards from national and international conferences.

The designation as a university clinic is the result of a comprehensive application process and has resulted in a formal cooperation agreement between Aarhus University, the Central Denmark Region, and Regional Hospital Gødstrup.

Jørgen Frøkiær, Head of the Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University, also highlights the potential for the new university clinic:

"This is yet another example that high-quality research can take place at the university, the university hospital, and regional hospitals, benefiting patients through active collaboration. Congratulations on the designation, it is truly deserved," he says.

At Regional Hospital Gødstrup, Carsten Byrjalsen, Chief Physician of the Department of Women's Diseases and Childbirth, is pleased with the designation, which means a lot to the staff in the department.

"We are very proud that our strong and talented research unit has now been rewarded for several years of work in elevating research in common gynecological diseases to a level of international recognition. This gives the entire department a boost," he says.

Newly appointed professor at the helm

The designation as a university clinic follows a positive evaluation of a clinical professorship for the department's research head, Anne Hammer, who has led the research unit since March 2020.

As a clinical professor, Anne Hammer will be responsible for leading and developing research in the university clinic in collaboration with the Department of Clinical Medicine.

Approximately 80 percent of Danish women experience at least one HPV infection in their lifetime. For most women, the infection resolves on its own, but for some, it becomes chronic, which can lead to cell changes that, without treatment, can develop into cervical cancer.

"We aim to spearhead the improvement and development of screening and treatment for women with cell changes," says Anne Hammer, who recently received a grant of ten million kroner from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

The grant will support a five-year research project to uncover the genetic mechanisms of the virus that play a role in women's risk of developing cervical cancer as a result of an HPV infection.



Department Head Jørgen Frøkiær
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
Phone: +45 20234527
Email: jf@clin.au.dk


Clinical Professor Anne Hammer
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine,
Regional Hospital Gødstrup, Women's Diseases and Childbirth
Phone: +45 23494736