Aarhus University Seal

Dentist from AU receives international prize

A PhD student from Aarhus University, Rubens Spin-Neto, has received an award for his research into images taken with a CBCT scanner. Research that will in the long term ensure that patients are exposed to minimal radiation from X-rays when they are scanned at the dentist.

Rubins Spin-Neto har netop modtaget European Association of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology’s forskningspris.
Rubins Spin-Neto har netop modtaget European Association of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology’s forskningspris.

What does it mean for the image quality and the patient's final diagnosis, if the patient is not completely still during the x-ray at the dentist? With his research project, Rubens Spin-Neto is trying to find the answer to this question. And for this research he has just received the European Association of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology's research award.

"It’s a great recognition to have received the award. It also confirms that our research is recognised and relevant for the outside world," says Rubens Spin-Neto.

The researcher hopes to find ways to ensure that patients who are being scanned do not move to such an extent that it affects the quality of the image. If the patient still moves after being told to sit as still as possible, it is still possible in most cases to stop the examination before any radiation is emitted. He therefore focuses on the importance of thorough staff training in the use of CBCT scanners.

"The staff who perform the scan should understand the problems associated with the scanning. First and foremost that patients should be exposed to as little radiation as possible. So the scan must be optimal the first time and any repetition should be avoided. If the patient has moved anyway, the examiner should know when this is critical for the diagnostics, and when this should result in a repeat examination," says Rubens Spin-Neto.

Rubens Spin-Neto is a postgraduate fellow in odontology from São Paulo State University in Brazil. Today he is undertaking his second PhD -degree programme at the Department of Dentistry at Aarhus University. Professor Ann Wenzel is the supervisor of the research project.

What is a CBCT scanner?

A CBCT scanner emits X-ray radiation. The scanner rotates around the patient's head and takes almost 600 images, which together create a three-dimensional image of the head. The scanning method is used in e.g. implant treatment, root canal treatment and tooth adjustment.

Further information

Postgraduate Fellow in Odontology, PhD student Rubens Spin-Neto

Aarhus University, Department of Dentistry

Direct tel: +45 8716 7457
Mobile: +45 4243 4836
