Aarhus University Seal

Dean of Health Allan Flyvbjerg appointed to the government’s growth team

Dean of Health Allan Flyvbjerg from Aarhus University will speak for the universities on the government’s recently appointed growth team for the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.

Sundhedsdekan Allan Flyvbjerg
Sundhedsdekan Allan Flyvbjerg er udpeget til ministerielt udvalg, som skal hjælpe medicinal- og medicoindustri med at vækste.

With exports of approx. DKK 90 billion and 36,000 jobs, Denmark’s pharmaceutical and biotech industry accounts for a significant part of the Danish economy. The government is intent on maintaining this strong position and has appointed a new growth team to contribute to ensuring this is the case.

At an announcement on June 9, Minister for Business and Growth Troels Lund Poulsen and Minster for Health Sophie Løhde appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Health at Aarhus University, Allan Flyvbjerg, as the representative for the universities on the growth team.

The ministers expect the growth team to be able to deliver specific recommendations for a growth plan which can safeguard Denmark’s leading position within the pharmaceutical and biotech industry towards 2025.

The universities are major suppliers of graduates and research to the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. According to Dean Allan Flyvbjerg, it is therefore natural that they are represented on the growth team:

"The universities are where we educate and train the relevant healthcare professionals for the industry, with doctors as one example. The universities are also where we deliver the research that forms the basis for product development. I look forward to providing input on how we can ensure even better collaboration with the industry. We have a common goal to strengthen the industry, as this benefits the country’s economy and thus also its citizens," says Allan Flyvbjerg.

The growth team comprises 11 participants, primarily from the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.

Press release from the Ministry of Business and Growth on the growth team (in Danish).


Further information:

Dean of the Faculty of Health, Allan Flyvbjerg

M: (+45) 5177 9548
