Aarhus University Seal

Danish cardiac arrest researcher receives prize in the US

The American Heart Association has given an award to PhD student at Aarhus University Sivagowry Rasalingam Mørk, who conducts research into cardiac arrest.

Sivagowry Rasalingam Mørk er også ansat som læge ved Aarhus Universitets Hospital, Afdeling for Hjertesygdomme Foto: Pia Hansen

The American Heart Association is one of the largest patient organisations in the world with more than 22 million volunteers. At their annual congress, the American Heart Association awards a prize for the best research input received by the congress. PhD student Sivagowry Rasalingam Mørk from the Department of Clinical Medicine received the Young Investigator Award on 12 November 2021 for an abstract which she has sent to the congress.

Sivagowry Rasalingam Mørk conducts research into the preadmission assessment and transport of patients who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. She also conducts research into treatment with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for patients with cardiac arrest. The ambition is to save as many cardiac arrest patients as possible.

MD & PhD student Sivagowry Rasalinam Mørk
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Cardiology

Email: sivmoerk@clin.au.dk