Aarhus University Seal

Christmas greetings from the Dean

The Dean wishes all employees at Health a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Dekan ved Health, Allan Flyvbjerg. Foto: Jesper Rais, AU Kommunikation.
Dekan ved Health, Allan Flyvbjerg. Foto: Jesper Rais, AU Kommunikation.

Dear colleagues,

I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The year 2014 has been a busy year. Cutbacks in the spring and the problem analysis and organizational changes in the fall have been major topics. These processes have been challenging and have caused frustrations among the employees at the departments and especially at the administration. But the processes have also given rise to a fruitful evaluation of the organization and an opportunity to reflect upon new work procedures, and all things considered I am sure that the University will benefit from this process in the long term.

During the year many projects have developed. Just to mention a few, we have developed a Code of Conduct at the University. At Health we have established new research centers and with respect to the educational area, we have succeeded in implementing new teaching methods for the benefit of both students and teachers.

Despite the growth in the university sector, seen during the recent years, generally seems to stop, it is still reasonable to look at the future with optimism. In general, we have to consolidate and stabilize already launched initiatives.  In the coming years we need to focus at our core activities, but still with room for development and renewal. Some physical examples of this, is that we in 2014 cut the first sod for the coming Biomedicine building and that building the new hospital now is gathering speed.    

To maintain the development, focus at increasing the external funding is more important than ever, thus this is the only way to significantly increase the growth at Health. The departments work hard on this topic, and it works. We need to continue this positive development.

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all your efforts in 2014. Each of you has contributed to our success, and I look forward to continuing the good collaboration in 2015.

On behalf of the staff in the Dean’s Office at Health, I send you all the best wishes for the Christmas and New Year’s Seasons.

Best regards,
Allan Flyvbjerg