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Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen receives the Jørn Olsen Prize for 2023

Professor Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen of the Department of Public Health has become the first ever recipient of the Jørn Olsen Prize, which is awarded in recognition of a unique contribution to reproductive epidemiology.

Vice Dean Hans Erik Bøtker and professor emeritus Jørn Olsen awarded the first edition of the Jørn Olsen Prize to Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen at an event hosted by the Department of Clinical Epidemiology on March 8th 2023.
Vice Dean Hans Erik Bøtker and professor emeritus Jørn Olsen awarded the first edition of the Jørn Olsen Prize to Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen at an event hosted by the Department of Clinical Epidemiology on March 8th 2023. Photo: Simon Fischel, AU Health

Recently, the Department of Clinical Medicine and the Department of Clinical Epidemiology awarded the Jørn Olsen Prize for 2023 and the accompanying DKK 25,000 to Professor Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen, who conducts research into the causes of disturbed reproductive health in the foetus or child – e.g. puberty development, sperm quality, fertility and infertility.

Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen is pleased and grateful to receive the award, and places special emphasis on the great importance that Emeritus Professor Jørn Olsen has had for her and her research area.

“Jørn Olsen has played a crucial role in the spread of epidemiology far beyond the bounds of Aarhus University. The fact that an honorary prize has now been set up in his name is testament to the great significance he has had, both in Denmark and abroad. My research is founded on the extensive work that he established, and I find it meaningful and moving that I have now been chosen as the first to receive the award,” she says.


Professor Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen PhD
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health - Epidemiology
Mobile: +45 2629 5715
E-mail: chrh@ph.au.dk