Aarhus University Seal

Cardiac seminars

Four interesting researchers from all over Europe give a talk on their latest cardiovascular research. Join us for four diverse and enlightening seminars at University of Copenhagen or via Zoom.

The seminars will give insight into as different subjects as cerebral small vessel disease and development of dementia, super-resolution imaging of cardiac muscle cells, the role of Pannexin1 in ischemic heart disease and cardiac arrest and the relation to inherited cardiac diseases. You can participate in person or online via Zoom. We will invite you to a refreshment and networking after the last seminar on 3rd December.

No registration for the seminars is required. Read more on each seminar at our event site:

21st October 9:15-10:15

Understanding pathomechanisms of cerebral small vessel disease - basic and clinical research

Philipp Ulbrich, medical student from Prof. Scheiber’s lab., Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg.

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28th October 9:15-10:15

Understanding the heartbeat at the nanoscale

William Louch, Professor, University of Oslo.

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2nd November 9:15-10:15

A multifaceted role for Pannexin1 in ischemic heart disease

Brenda Kwak, Professor, University of Geneva Medical School.

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3rd December 14:30-15:30

Cardiac arrest survivors - diagnostic workup

Bo Winkel, Cardiologist, Rigshospitalet.

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