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Cardiac researcher receives the Jorcks Foundation Research Prize 2021

Associate Professor Morten Schmidt from Aarhus University is honoured with the Jorcks Research Prize for his research into heart disease and medication side effects.

Morten Schmidt modtager Jorcks Forskningspris stiftet af Reinholdt W. Jorck og hustrus Fond. Fra højre Højesteretspræsident Thomas Rørdam, lektor Morten Schmidt, AU. Foto: Peter Nørby

Could there be heart-related risks associated with taking painkillers? This is the type of question that Morten Schmidt from the Department of Clinical Medicine studies in his research, which has among other things led to stricter instructions on taking painkillers. Morten Schmidt, who is also a cardiologist at Aarhus University Hospital, utilises the Danish health registers and other sources to study the effects and side effects of medicine with particular focus on people at risk of – or who are already suffering from – heart disease.

On 6 December 2021, Morten Schmidt received the Jorcks Foundation Research Prize 2021 in recognition of his extraordinary efforts within medical research. The award ceremony took place in the Supreme Court in Copenhagen and the award was presented by President of the Supreme Court of Denmark Thomas Rørdam. The award comes with a prize of DKK 400,000.


Professor, MD, PhD Morten Schmidt
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine,
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Department of Cardiology
Mobile: (+45) 4128 9955
Email: morten.schmidt@clin.au.dk