Aarhus University Seal

Best in Denmark to isolated bypass surgery

The Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at Aarhus University Hospital is the best place to undergo isolated bypass surgery.

The quality of treatment is generally high at the Danish heart centres, but the results at Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery are even better. The Danish health care newspaper Dagens Medicin has announced our department as the best to isolated bypass.

The department performed around 300 isolated bypass procedures last year. The procedure involves multiple groups of health care professionals. The first place is an acknowledgement of the high degree of professionalism as well as an extraordinary well functioning collaboration between the different professionals. This is of great impact for the patients.

"Vi glæder os over udmærkelsen. Vi anstrenger os. Det er jo en anerkendelse af hele afdelingen og alle de mange fagligheder, der er med til at give patienten et godt forløb. Vi skaber gode resultater ved at have blik for hele patientens forløb og allerede fra start have blik for, hvordan de hurtigt kommer på benene efter operationen,"

says Consultant Cardiac Surgeon and Associate Professor Ivy Susanne Modrau.



Ivy Susanne Modrau, MD dr.med. (Tysk)
Associate Professor, Consultant

Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
Aarhus University Hospital
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99
8200 Aarhus

Email: ivymod@clin.au.dk