Aarhus University Seal

Aarhus University Hospital is the best hospital in Denmark - again

Aarhus University Hospital was today awarded the title of Denmark’s best hospital by the Danish healthcare newspaper Dagens Medicin.

Kvaliteten af behandlinger og undersøgelser har været en afgørende faktor for, at Aarhus Universitetshospital i dag kåres som Danmarks bedste hospital.
Kvaliteten af behandlinger og undersøgelser har været en afgørende faktor for, at Aarhus Universitetshospital i dag kåres som Danmarks bedste hospital.

For the seventh year in a row, Aarhus University Hospital can call itself the best major hospital in Denmark. Second place in the same category went to Odense University Hospital and third place to Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen.

Aarhus University Hospital received 13 first places among the 68 medical treatments and examinations that were evaluated in the competition. The hospital also received 12 second places and 9 third places.

Treatment of the highest quality

Dagens Medicin has analysed all available national data on the quality of treatment and examinations provided by hospitals in Denmark. This also includes data about patient satisfaction as well as analysis of each hospital’s reputation in which the newspaper’s readers have assessed the Danish hospitals.

But the decisive factor in deciding which hospital is Denmark’s best is the quality of treatment and examinations. This aspect is weighted with 80 per cent of the total.

Dean of the Faculty of Health Allan Flyvbjerg is pleased to see AUH receive the award.

"I am happy and proud on behalf of the patients. This is really impressive. Despite having fewer beds, implementing savings and reorganising in connection with the huge hospital construction project, we are still able to maintain our lead," says Allan Flyvbjerg.

Simple recipe for success

The dean is particularly pleased to see that the quality of treatment carries even more weight this year compared to previous awards. And when asked about the recipe for this continued success, he answers:

"The close collaboration between university hospital and university and an unwavering focus on delivering the best research, the best education and training and the best patient treatment is the simple explanation of why we have been successful," explains Allan Flyvbjerg.

In this year's competition to become Denmark's best hospital, Aarhus University Hospital had to battle Odense University Hospital for first place. But that does not lessen the delight of Gert Sørensen, who is chief executive officer at Aarhus University Hospital.

"I am truly happy and proud that we have once again been named Denmark's best hospital," says Gert Sørensen.

And the dean adds:

"Fair competition is a good thing and I believe that it is healthy for us to have to continually keep our heads down and focus on working even harder to improve the services we offer," says Allan Flyvbjerg, who also takes the opportunity to thank the employees for their efforts.

"I would like to extend a big thank you to all employees at all levels, both at the university hospital and the university. Without their efforts we would not be able to boast of having the best staff and treatments in Denmark for a wide range of diseases. They have my deepest respect and I thank them for their efforts," says the Dean. 

Further information

Dean and Professor Allan Flyvbjerg
Aarhus University, Health
Direct tel.: +45 5177 9548